Tuesday, August 28, 2007

One day of freedom

Well it's come down to this. Three months ago you were saying....I've got the WHOLE summer to do this this and this......and we're under 24 hours before you head back. Hope you had fun!

Youth group tomorrow night 5:30. Hope to see you.

Let me say once again, you guys rocked this past Sunday! Great job everyone.

THIS SATURDAY September 1st. Hockey in Jamestown. The Erie Otters are playing a Junior A team out of Buffalo. Cost is 8 bucks. Game time is 7pm....so we'd need to leave around 6:15. If you don't understand hockey....why not come and let me explain it to you. The rink is small enough that every seat in the house is close to the ice! This is going to be good hockey, close to home, and pretty cheap. BUT YOU NEED TO LET ME KNOW NOW SO I CAN GET TICKETS!!!!!!!!

If you've been around the internet lately you've seen this but just in case you haven't......

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hey all. Hope your week is going well

Reminder that this Sunday is our youth Sunday. We really need you there! To get that going, we're going to be going through a bunch of stuff at youth group this Wednesday. PLEASE COME!!!!!!!!

September 1st. 7pm ICE HOCKEY! The Erie Otters have their training camp in Jamestown of all places. At the end of their training camp they play a game against a team from Buffalo. It only costs 8 bucks (if you go see them in Erie you have to pay like 12). Who wants to go? I'm going! If you don't understand hockey or have only ever watched it on TV, this is your chance to see real action!!!!!!!


Sunday, August 12, 2007


For those of you who were at youth group this week!

For those not there we talked about David dancing Undignified before God.

Napoleon Dynamite + David Crowder = Perfection

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Only a handful showed up to youth group tonight. Here are some of the things you missed and things we all need to be thinking about.

1. AUGUST 26th. YOUTH SUNDAY. Please talk to whoever you need to talk to, to try and be here for this morning. We really would like to see your smiling face. We talked tonight about possible skits.....we believe we have one that calls for 2 people.

2. Starting the first part of September. Youth Group night is moving. Pleasant Community Church is starting a new Wednesday dinner and worship time every week beginning Sept. 19. I believe this is important. I want you to attend at least occasionally. And so we need to move nights. We talked tonight about possible nights to go to. Nights we thought about....Sunday and Monday. Tuesday is out and Thursday is out. Everyone that was in attendance tonight at youth group couldn't see a problem with Monday night so for now that's what we're leaning toward, but we're still open to some discussion on this matter. Think about it and get back to me.

3. We really need to get in to paint the rest of the youth room.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We now return you to our regularly scheduled Youth Group.

We're back on Wednesday and 5:30 again. Hope to see you soon.

We have a bunch of things to talk about and changes that are coming up. I know I say this a lot, but keep checking back here regularly so you know what's coming up.

AUGUST 26th. YOUTH SUNDAY here at Pleasant. I'd really like you to be here. Please find a way to make it that Sunday. If you need me to talk to your employer or parental figures or whatever, I'll do that. i really would like you here that Sunday!