Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Stuff coming up
OK here's some stuff coming up. Please put this on your calendars or tell your parents or something.
-Nov. 2 regular YMCA night
-Nov. 9 regular YMCA night
-Nov. 16 YMCA night but we're GOING SWIMMING!!!! Lots of you have been bugging me about this so we're going this night. There will be some younger kids in the pool as well, please leave them alone. LADIES: Swimming suits must cover your mid-section. No bikinis. Tankini's (or however you spell that) are fine but MUST cover you. If we feel you are not abiding by this, we will have some GIANT T-shirts there for you to wear over whatever you have. GUYS: No bikinis
-Nov. 30 regular YMCA night
This is stuff beyond our regular Sunday night stuff. We'd love to have you come out to this, but if you can't make it, don't sweat it.
-Nov. 3 Praise Fellowship is having a special speaker named Berin Gilfillen from International School of Missions that night at 7pm. This is their regular youth time and this will be targeted just for youth. Should be very cool. Please consider this. I'll just be getting back into town that day, but am planning on going at this point!
-Nov. 22nd This is a Saturday night. We're going to do a special movie night discussion. We're going to watch the movie Luther. This is a major motion picture that came out in 2003. I have a friend who's a teacher who's going to come give us a history lesson prior to the movie to help us understand what's going on as we watch. Then we'll have some snacks and watch the movie. After the movie we'll have a time of Question and Answers and discuss what we just watched. Should be cool. More info to come on start times!
Now on to the silly stuff:
Friday, October 24, 2008
At 4 am the other night as I was setting with him giving him a bottle I started wondering where our immediacy is. What are we so passionate about that we need to yell? Or maybe it’s not yelling we need to do.
I wonder if we’re missing something. Do we overlook injustice? Do we rationalize evil because we’re “just one church” or “person”? Are we content letting the world just go on around us or are we willing to speak our minds because the Bible says right is right and wrong is wrong? Why don’t we get fed up with things and speak out? Or Yell? Or cry?
Why are only 2% of US Christians willing to do something about AIDS orphans in Africa (there are currently around 13 million children without parents in Africa)? Why do we turn a blind eye to child slavery and trafficking? The US bails out Wall Street for 700 billion but the entire G8 can’t find 25 billion to stop the 25,000 children that die daily from preventable disease (thank you Bono). Where are our priorities in the church? Why aren’t these the biggest problems in our lives?
These are some of the things we should be yelling about. Instead we complain because of the flower arrangements or the music or the lack of a drama team or how we don’t have a puppet ministry anymore or how the pastor changed the order of worship or why we’re not having enough potlucks or why we’re doing too many potlucks or why if we should call it a potluck or a tureen………
What happened to shouting the Gospel from the mountaintops? What happened to taking care of widows, and orphans and the least of these? When is enough enough? Where is our immediacy?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So I hope someone keeps checking this from time to time. See you Sunday night.