Sunday, August 31, 2008

STOP THIEF and more exciting tales of intrigue

So we're finally home. Most of you are aware that we've had some problems with Tobiah and have spent the past week at Children's Hospital. We finally made it home this afternoon and man does it feel good to be back.

So youth group tomorrow night? I'd love to see you guys! Let's plan on it.

Also just so you know I've had to call the police. While we were gone someone stole the ultimate frisbees off my back porch. Hopefully the police can get some fingerprints or something.

We have a bunch of things coming up we need to talk about.

For those of you who didn't get enough Olympics

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I need help. I'm sitting in a meeting talking about our Sunday night thing that we're starting in September.

We're struggling with what to call it. It's not just called youth group....because there are adult programs and children's programs that are going to be going on at the same time.

So we need a name. Every name that we're coming up with is LAME!!! Please help. Post a comment here. If you get picked, there will be a prize....I don't know what it is, but it'll be good.

Deadline is this Sunday. Work it.

PLEASE!!!!! HELP!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


If you read this, please contact other people that this might impact and make sure they know what's going on! Welcome home everyone from your far reaching travels!!!!

1. No regular youth group as stated below.

2. Monday night. If you are interested in going to the Fair, that's cool. We're planning to meet at PCC between 4:45 and 5pm. We're headed out to the fair. We will eat there, see some animals and tractors, and go to the Fair Queen Contest. The FQC this year should be shorter than normal as there are only 7 contestants. I'm liking that because Corban can't focus for too long. Also know that I take the FQC very seriously and I pretend I'm a judge and try to figure out who's going to win. I would encourage others to do so as well. Also note that Rachael Campbell from Praise Fellowship's youth group is one of the 7 contestants so we can fully support her!

3. This is WAY more important that Monday night. Tuesday afternoon/evening. Our church serves at St. Joseph's Soup Kitchen regularly and we're a little short staffed this week. Why don't we go help? I'm pretty sure we need to be there by 4:30, so let's say be there by 4:15. If you need a ride, call and I'll pick you up. Right now it's looking like it'll be warm and sunny how about this.....after we're done at St. Joe's we go play some frisbee? What do you think?

Again please text or call other people and let me know about Tuesday by leaving a comment here, e-mailing me or giving my celly a call.