Wednesday, June 27, 2007

July 4th Parade details

Here is what I know thus far about the Parade.

If you'd like to help decorate the float. 4pm July 3rd (that's Tuesday) at the Nazarene church. We're going to be decorating and then praying and worship together for what's going on the next day and that God would use that.

JULY 4th. We are planning on meeting behind the YMCA/ behind the football field at 10am.

Once again this year we ordered shirts so we all look the same. Shirts are 5 bucks. Please bring 5 bucks. If you need 5 bucks ask me and I'll get you 5 bucks!

When you get there, a group of us will be passing out water. Another group will be passing out these little business cards. Another group is designated to be part of the float.

We really want you to be there!!!!! Please come! Please come!

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