Thursday, December 20, 2007

Last minute opportunity

Hey all...

I know this is really last minute but I want to throw it out there.

Jamestown has a minor league hockey team. They are playing tomorrow night. I'm officially going tomorrow night. Wanna come?

We're going to be leaving around 6. Cost for the game is 6 bucks. We're also going to stop on the way to the game at Tim Hortons. So some money for food might be a good idea if you want something. If game time is 7:30, then figure it'll be over around 9:30 or so....depending on stoppage of play or fights. So figure 10:30 before we got home.

Call me for more info if you have questions. Sorry for being so last minute. If you can't go this time but would like to go in the future we can do that!

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