Friday, March 21, 2008


You guys never cease to amaze me. GREAT JOB Thursday night. Lots of people commented to me about how cool it was. You guys all did great. I'm so proud of each of you. I also really appreciate those of you who could stick around and help clean up. Clean up went much faster than set-up. THANKS!

Couple things.....

Can you guys do me a favor? Call, e-mail, text, whatever each other and remind everyone where this blog is. I've talked to a couple of you this week about the game I posted, and a couple people have said they didn't remember we had a blog. It's pretty important that we keep checking in here. So stop reading right now and go call someone......then come back...

Welcome back!

Youth group Monday. Regular time 5:30.

We were rushed for time last night so I didn't really get to talk to any of you about this. I posted about possibly going to Pittsburgh for Famine, the first weekend in April. That's in two weekends. Is anyone even interested in this? We don't have to go. However if anyone is interested we I need to get you info on Monday night. PLEASE!!!!! if you're reading this, post a comment in the comment box one way or the other YES OR SORRY CHARLIE

Special youth group April 7th. In February we took a special trip to experience a Spanish worship service in Jamestown. On April 7th we have a different opportunity. Our very own Lindsey Berg is being confirmed at St. Joe's that night at 7pm I believe. So here's the plan. We'll meet at PCC at 5:30 like usual. We'll eat and do a lesson/game/learning activity/something.....then for those who are interested around 6:30, we'll head over to St. Joe's to be part of this very special Mass and support our friend Lindsey. If you're not interested in this, that's fine too, just tell your ride that you need picked up PROMPTLY at 6:30 from PCC. If I'm you're ride home, you're going to Mass.

Here's a random question. Would any of you be remotely interested in playing paintball? There are two opportunities that I know of coming up where we could join up with some other youth groups and play paintball, for relatively cheap. No experience necessary. No equipment necessary. You all know I love it, but I just thought I'd throw it out there for you to ponder.....we'll talk more about it soon.

Sunday School girls....remember that Mari and I won't be there Sunday. The materials for your collage's (or however you spell that) is in my office next to the cabinet.

Can I just tell you guys how much I love you you guys and gals! I really like being around you guys. You're lots of fun. I thought I should tell you that.

Ok I think I'm done now. If you'd like to waste more time go the next post down and play that silly game once or a thousand times. Feel free to post a score even if it's not a high score. It's just fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll post!!

thanks, aaron. you did a great job also! thanks for picking up the tempo! i loved the video..way better than the other one.

depends what days that famine is..wizard of oz is that weekend. other than that, i am interested. we'll see.

awww..linds! i was planning on attending that since i know so many people getting confirmed, but this will be a nice little field trip.

paintball! that would be fun. i'd probably be scared, though. ha

you lie! everytime we come it is..."oh crud, the girls are here." haha

hope you're having fun with doug and karen!

okay..dumb comments from me, but it was fun. ha