Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Behind the 8 ball.

Ok Focus.

1. Not this Sunday but next Sunday is youth Sunday here at PCC. That's 4/27. I know some of you can't make it. Pastor Mike and I looked at moving it, but we were doing the 27th originally because he wasn't going to be here. So we're on! For those of you who will be here, please be thinking of what we can do. Can you guess what we're doing this Monday night?

2. May 16-18 there is a special opportunity that you can be involved in here at the church. It's a School of Prayer. This is times of teaching about what the Bible has to say about prayer and how we can apply that to our lives and spiritual walk. I know that prayer is often hard for some of us to really grab hold of as an idea....this might be something that would help you out. (I know it looks like it's the entire weekend, but it's not a sleepover!)

3. Remember Sunday School peoples....we're headed to breakfast this week. So be ready!

4. Shoot I forgot what 4 was.......

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