Sunday, August 31, 2008

STOP THIEF and more exciting tales of intrigue

So we're finally home. Most of you are aware that we've had some problems with Tobiah and have spent the past week at Children's Hospital. We finally made it home this afternoon and man does it feel good to be back.

So youth group tomorrow night? I'd love to see you guys! Let's plan on it.

Also just so you know I've had to call the police. While we were gone someone stole the ultimate frisbees off my back porch. Hopefully the police can get some fingerprints or something.

We have a bunch of things coming up we need to talk about.

For those of you who didn't get enough Olympics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are having youth group? Pastor Mike canceled because it was Labor day, but what ever you want to do. Just let me know what is going on.