Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Times and stuff

Hope you had fun swimming Sunday night. No one drown? Good

This Saturday is our movie night discussion at PCC. I'd love to see you there. Start time is 6pm. History, Food, Movie, Discussion. What more do you need? BRING A PILLOW!

I don't know what I was thinking last week when I put up a time for the Sunday Thanksgiving Vesper service at PCC. Sunday if you'd like there's a short service and good food at 5PM....not 7 as previously stated. It's at 5PM. You should come. It'll be cool. I'll be there too.

Obviously no YMCA this week.

Next week regular time and place. See you there.

These are both funny. Watch the background of the second video closely. HA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe he hit a cow
