Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A response

To be fair I haven't done much with this blog over the I missed this comment on one of the few posts I did have. I talked God loving us as we are. This was the only comment at the end of that post:
You say God doesn't expect us to be perfect? But at the same time we strive to live in his image. His image IS perfect right, so why should we strive to be like his image when you are already telling us it is impossible? Doesn't that make it a hopeless, and for that matter pointless, struggle?

I want to address this directly because it's a common thing that comes up. It's all pointless. We can never reach perfection so why try. Right? Wrong.

Check this out: My hockey hero is Grant Fuhr. He won 5 Stanley Cups with the Edmonton Oilers in the 80's. He won a Vezina. He is in the NHL Hall of Fame. His number is retired by the Edmonton Oilers. He is amazing.

I own a book that he co-wrote from his glory years. It's called Fuhr on Goaltending. I've read that book a bundle of times. I've worked on all the tricks and exercises he has in the book. I completely understand everything that book has to say. But the guys I play with will be the first to tell you that I'm no Grant Fuhr. I'm not waiting by the phone for an NHL team to call me to come to training camp. Not only am I not like Grant Fuhr right now.....I'm getting older....and there's really no chance that I'm ever going to be Grant Fuhr.

That doesn't stop me from putting the pads on and going to play every week. I LOVE hockey. I look forward all week to playing. I can't wait to go out there. I won't be Grant Fuhr, but it's not going to stop me from playing hockey ever again.

You're right in thinking that we are called to be like Christ. Yes Christ was perfect. Will you ever be perfect? No. Because you are human the Bible tells us that we are all sinful. We are all not perfect. Will you ever full "be like Christ". No. However Jesus gave us tons of instructions and guidelines on how to live our lives. We strive daily to follow these. We know we will never be perfect. But we are in LOVE with the one who is. So we do everything we can to follow in His footsteps.

Hope that helps a bit. Just for fun here's Fuhr toward the end of his career...when he was playing with St. Louis. AMAZING still!

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