Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dang Holiday

Well it's Wednesday now and I didn't post yesterday. Those Monday holidays really screw me up. I almost didn't take the trash out this morning! Yikes.

You'll notice things are looking different around here. I'll keep updating it.
YG=Youth Group

Speaking of which, we're back to regular time etc. next Monday. Hope you're there, if not then you're lame. No just kidding, no i'm not Yes I am....sort of.

Frisbee was fun last night.

And this week you get hockey videos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm..i was like it's Tuesday...and i did not see anything..haha

updates are good.

heyyy..i may need a ride monday. my mama and bee are not going to be here. i will let you know.

seee?? frisbee was fun with a bigger group! now we just need a group to go geocaching sometime!
INTENSE with you and brianna.

hockey. yea!!
go pens!!