Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Technically it's still Tuesday, so I'm good.

I know I'm going to forget to give you some information in this post, so check back later and I might be updating info later this week.

1. I think I fixed the calendar so you should be able to see it. Please continue to check this throughout the summer for activities. I will try to keep you posted here in the main body of times and dates as well.

2. NEXT WEDNESDAY....we're meeting at our house at 5 for dinner. I don't have an exact end time, but as of now I"m guessing 9ish.

3. June 16-17...headed to World Vision Distribution Center near Pittsburgh. Please check with your parents now, because I really need to know by next week if you're going. You will also need a clearance form filled out by parent or guardian.

4. My mind is going blank right here....time for some videos.

This is a cool commercial, but the second video is even cooler because they show you how they filmed it. I love stuff like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm..perhaps you forgot to type about VBS? idkk.

uhhhh...PENS LOST. =[ ha