Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Follow up to this past Sunday

Hey guys!

I'm sitting in a coffee shop thinking about this past Sunday night. For those of you who weren't there we talked about how God calls us to love him above all else....and then to just love the heck out of everyone else around us.

I wanted to add something that I think I forgot Sunday night. We started off by doing some charades. We said that you can act like an auto mechanic, but until you grab a wrench and use it on a car, you're not one....you're just going through the motions.

This applies to us too. I read a lot of books about God, church, our spiritual walks, etc. All those books are really only knowledge. It's like reading about how to be a mechanic. Those books won't do me any good unless I put that information into practice and live my faith out. It's like reading car manuals without getting greasy and working on cars.

We can read lots of nice books about God. We can talk to our friends about God and who he is. We can go to church and youth group regularly. Those are all awesome things and I would even say that God would want us to do those things.....but is that wholly putting our faith into action? Is that really want Jesus is saying when he says "feed me, cloth me, visit me in jail, give me something to drink, cloth me etc..."? I think for most of us those are just "manual reading" things.

Ok more later. Take care!

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