Thursday, February 26, 2009

Later than normal

After telling you all to check the blog, I figured I better actually update it. It's been a weird week, so it took me this long to get around to it. Sorry if you checked already and got last weeks stuff.

Youth Group this Sunday is at Faith Fellowship. Last week was a new experience for us being down there. I'm looking forward to being back there now that I know what we're getting into (casket in the next room!) Regular time of 6pm. Hope to see you there!!!!

Remember that next weekend is the retreat. PLEASE try and bring me your registration form this Sunday. You don't definitely need money this week (you could just bring it when you come to camp) but that form would be SUPER helpful. We did a bunch of planning yesterday for the retreat...and I have to tell you that I am STOKED for next weekend. It's going to be a lot of fun.

I have another surprise of an upcoming event that's going to happen in the next couple weeks, but I'm not going to tell you need to come to youth group Sunday night. IT'S COOL!!!!!

For those of you who are new to a blog format, here's how it works. The newest post is always at the top of the page. As you scroll down the older posts are below. I would suggest scrolling down a bit because some weeks I might post more than once. ALSO....if you would like to comment on the post or on youth group or on anything at the bottom of each post there's small print that says X Comments. Right now this post says 0 Comments. If you click it, it'll bring you to a screen where you can post a comment. You can leave it annonymous if you want or put your name to it. Pretty easy stuff. Now for something funny.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Never blogged. Here goes...nothing about nothing. It was so cold today my eyelids froze. Ran into a poll. Eylids cracked. Now I can see. Stay warm!

Weather update for retreat...calling for rain...bring rain gear to Camp M&M.