Tuesday, March 3, 2009

info you need this week....

This is my 2nd post today....so make sure that when you're done reading all this, you scroll down and read the post below it.

The most important thing you need to know is....CONNECTIONS IS CANCELED FOR THIS SUNDAY!!!!!! I know we asked who would show up this week and you all overwhelmingly said you'd be there. Here's the deal though.....the adults were having a discussion upstairs and they already canceled. I didn't know until this morning. Also, as leaders we are kind of being irresponsible by having youth group on a super busy weekend. I think you are underestimating how tired you're going to be on Sunday afternoon/evening. If you have any homework, you won't be getting it done during the weekend which only leaves Sunday. We'll see you in two weeks back at FAITH FELLOWSHIP!!!!

Did you get that last sentence? The next Connections is in two weeks March 15th at Faith Fellowship.

RETREAT: Dawn updated us that the weather this weekend is looking like rain. We're going to try avoiding any mud and dirt, but you might want boots or a raincoat.
-Bring sleeping bag and pillow
-Bring comfortable clothes (it's not a fashion show)
-Bring a Bible and maybe something to write on and with
-If you still owe money for the weekend you need to bring that with you!!!!!!
-If you can bring a snack. Give that to the registration person when you get there.
-If you have a favorite board or card game, feel free to bring that along as well.
-MOST IMPORTANTLY: Bring a good attitude to be open to new things and hear a word from God.

SCUBA- On March 22nd we meet back at the YMCA for Connections. That night we have a cool opportunity to try out SCUBA diving in the pool. This past week we past out some papers to allow you to participate in that. You need those filled out by a parent or guardian. If you answer NO to any of the questions you need to get another form that needs filled out by a doctor. Please understand that if you don't have the proper paperwork, you WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the SCUBA portion of the night. We'll be in the pool regardless, but you won't be able to do SCUBA. I don't want you to miss out, so if you didn't get the paperwork or need more, let me know and we'll hook you up.

What's cooler than a heavy metal grandma? Not much

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