Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Times and stuff
This Saturday is our movie night discussion at PCC. I'd love to see you there. Start time is 6pm. History, Food, Movie, Discussion. What more do you need? BRING A PILLOW!
I don't know what I was thinking last week when I put up a time for the Sunday Thanksgiving Vesper service at PCC. Sunday if you'd like there's a short service and good food at 5PM....not 7 as previously stated. It's at 5PM. You should come. It'll be cool. I'll be there too.
Obviously no YMCA this week.
Next week regular time and place. See you there.
These are both funny. Watch the background of the second video closely. HA
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
NEXT WEEK.....Nov.22 is our Movie Discussion Night at Pleasant Community Church. I'm hoping you're planning on coming or bringing a friend. This movie and discussion is really some of the foundation of our Protestant denominations right here. AND there'll be SNACKS!
No regular YMCA on the 23rd. You can show up....but we won't be there. However if you're looking for an alternative, PCC is having a Thanksgiving time that night at 7. Very informal. Some songs, and sharing...and then food!
Hope you're week is going well for you.
Check this video out. It's awesome. Here's the description that the dad wrote for it.
We snuck out into the middle of Broad Street to snap a pic in front of City Hall and all the crowds. When Will raised his hands for the picture, cheers erupted. So he continued to repeat the gesture, getting wild response from the crowd on both sides of the street up and down the street as far as we could see. We couldn't have planned this if we practiced and practiced. I wish the video was longer.
Repost! You see me do this every week. Here's the champ though!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Stuff coming up
OK here's some stuff coming up. Please put this on your calendars or tell your parents or something.
-Nov. 2 regular YMCA night
-Nov. 9 regular YMCA night
-Nov. 16 YMCA night but we're GOING SWIMMING!!!! Lots of you have been bugging me about this so we're going this night. There will be some younger kids in the pool as well, please leave them alone. LADIES: Swimming suits must cover your mid-section. No bikinis. Tankini's (or however you spell that) are fine but MUST cover you. If we feel you are not abiding by this, we will have some GIANT T-shirts there for you to wear over whatever you have. GUYS: No bikinis
-Nov. 30 regular YMCA night
This is stuff beyond our regular Sunday night stuff. We'd love to have you come out to this, but if you can't make it, don't sweat it.
-Nov. 3 Praise Fellowship is having a special speaker named Berin Gilfillen from International School of Missions that night at 7pm. This is their regular youth time and this will be targeted just for youth. Should be very cool. Please consider this. I'll just be getting back into town that day, but am planning on going at this point!
-Nov. 22nd This is a Saturday night. We're going to do a special movie night discussion. We're going to watch the movie Luther. This is a major motion picture that came out in 2003. I have a friend who's a teacher who's going to come give us a history lesson prior to the movie to help us understand what's going on as we watch. Then we'll have some snacks and watch the movie. After the movie we'll have a time of Question and Answers and discuss what we just watched. Should be cool. More info to come on start times!
Now on to the silly stuff:
Friday, October 24, 2008
At 4 am the other night as I was setting with him giving him a bottle I started wondering where our immediacy is. What are we so passionate about that we need to yell? Or maybe it’s not yelling we need to do.
I wonder if we’re missing something. Do we overlook injustice? Do we rationalize evil because we’re “just one church” or “person”? Are we content letting the world just go on around us or are we willing to speak our minds because the Bible says right is right and wrong is wrong? Why don’t we get fed up with things and speak out? Or Yell? Or cry?
Why are only 2% of US Christians willing to do something about AIDS orphans in Africa (there are currently around 13 million children without parents in Africa)? Why do we turn a blind eye to child slavery and trafficking? The US bails out Wall Street for 700 billion but the entire G8 can’t find 25 billion to stop the 25,000 children that die daily from preventable disease (thank you Bono). Where are our priorities in the church? Why aren’t these the biggest problems in our lives?
These are some of the things we should be yelling about. Instead we complain because of the flower arrangements or the music or the lack of a drama team or how we don’t have a puppet ministry anymore or how the pastor changed the order of worship or why we’re not having enough potlucks or why we’re doing too many potlucks or why if we should call it a potluck or a tureen………
What happened to shouting the Gospel from the mountaintops? What happened to taking care of widows, and orphans and the least of these? When is enough enough? Where is our immediacy?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So I hope someone keeps checking this from time to time. See you Sunday night.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
STOP THIEF and more exciting tales of intrigue
So youth group tomorrow night? I'd love to see you guys! Let's plan on it.
Also just so you know I've had to call the police. While we were gone someone stole the ultimate frisbees off my back porch. Hopefully the police can get some fingerprints or something.
We have a bunch of things coming up we need to talk about.
For those of you who didn't get enough Olympics
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
We're struggling with what to call it. It's not just called youth group....because there are adult programs and children's programs that are going to be going on at the same time.
So we need a name. Every name that we're coming up with is LAME!!! Please help. Post a comment here. If you get picked, there will be a prize....I don't know what it is, but it'll be good.
Deadline is this Sunday. Work it.
PLEASE!!!!! HELP!!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
1. No regular youth group as stated below.
2. Monday night. If you are interested in going to the Fair, that's cool. We're planning to meet at PCC between 4:45 and 5pm. We're headed out to the fair. We will eat there, see some animals and tractors, and go to the Fair Queen Contest. The FQC this year should be shorter than normal as there are only 7 contestants. I'm liking that because Corban can't focus for too long. Also know that I take the FQC very seriously and I pretend I'm a judge and try to figure out who's going to win. I would encourage others to do so as well. Also note that Rachael Campbell from Praise Fellowship's youth group is one of the 7 contestants so we can fully support her!
3. This is WAY more important that Monday night. Tuesday afternoon/evening. Our church serves at St. Joseph's Soup Kitchen regularly and we're a little short staffed this week. Why don't we go help? I'm pretty sure we need to be there by 4:30, so let's say be there by 4:15. If you need a ride, call and I'll pick you up. Right now it's looking like it'll be warm and sunny how about this.....after we're done at St. Joe's we go play some frisbee? What do you think?
Again please text or call other people and let me know about Tuesday by leaving a comment here, e-mailing me or giving my celly a call.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm not Dead.
Also my apologies for any confusion last night. Youth group was indeed canceled for a variety of reasons.
NEXT MONDAY....FREE NIGHT AT THE FAIR. We're headed to the Fair....if you want. Admission is free. No rides, but food and animals a plenty. No regular youth group OBVIOUSLY....we'll either be going to the Fair Queen Competition or going to Praise Fellowships youth group right there at the Fair.....I'm waiting to hear back from Pastor Rick, but last year they had youth group right there.
LONG TERM....It's official. Youth group is moving once again. Day and location. Starting in September (date to be announced shortly), we will be moving to Sunday nights. We will be meeting at the YMCA. The hope is that we can attract more people with the change of venue. We'll be talking about this more in the coming weeks.
TOBIAH looks like we'll be going to Ethiopia the 3rd week of August to pick up Tobiah. Because of that there will be two weeks where we won't be having youth group. I'll let you know ASAP....but it looks like the 18th and 25th.
This makes me laugh
Monday, July 7, 2008
Monday = Funday
YG in less than 2 hours.
What would happen if we had a "do a little bit of everything day" on Wednesday? We have some work things and fun things on my list that need done...and it seems like we could just do them all in one day. Times to come tonight, but probably morning early afternoon and we're out.
NOTHING NEXT WEEK. No youth group. No activities. I'm speaking all week out at Mission Meadows. I could use your prayers as I speak to these students.
Here's another video series from Sony.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The goal is to leave warren by around 9.
Happy 4th weekend.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One two skip a few
So Sorry I had to cancel last night's youth group. I was hurting quite a bit. I was just miserable. Sorry.
TOMORROW. We're still rocking out. Here's the scoop. Come help with VBS in the morning. 9-12. At 12 or close to it, we're taking off. Bring some bucks...we're going to McD's first. The next stop is on me. It's NOT skating as the calendar says. The ice rink switched some stuff up on me and they're booked solid. We'll have to fit that in some other time. We're headed out though. It won't be guess is 3ish we'll be done. Depends on you guys.
Not long ago, I posted a bunch of bouncy balls in the street. Here's another commercial by the same company but different.....and a "how we made it" video.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Every other
1. TONIGHT! We're hanging at our house this evening. Come around 5 if you can. We're going to grill outside. We'll play some silly games in the field afterward, so maybe don't wear your glass slippers......(hammy). Also, if you could bring a lawn chair that would be helpful, we have a few, but not enough for everyone. I'm going to go pick Kyrene up a little before 5, so when you get here I might not be here (Mari and Corban will though). REMEMBER, the point of tonight is to make guests feel maybe stay away from old stories and running jokes....they'll catch on in time.
2. NEXT WEEK.....WV trip. I passed out both an information sheet and a RELEASE FORM at YG the other night. You MUST have a RELEASE FORM to be able to go. It's a good idea to get one of these filled out anyway. We're going to meet at PCC at 2 on Monday. I'm stoked for this little excursion.
3. NO YOUTH GROUP NEXT WEEK. I know this is obvious, but I need to say it anyway.
4. I don't know if we officially said this one Monday, but Megan got a job at Mission Meadows for the summer! YEAH! We'll miss her, but she gets to rock out at that cool camp.
5. See you tonight!
Dumb middle aged people playing with technology
So what happens to our brains?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I know I'm going to forget to give you some information in this post, so check back later and I might be updating info later this week.
1. I think I fixed the calendar so you should be able to see it. Please continue to check this throughout the summer for activities. I will try to keep you posted here in the main body of times and dates as well.
2. NEXT WEDNESDAY....we're meeting at our house at 5 for dinner. I don't have an exact end time, but as of now I"m guessing 9ish.
3. June 16-17...headed to World Vision Distribution Center near Pittsburgh. Please check with your parents now, because I really need to know by next week if you're going. You will also need a clearance form filled out by parent or guardian.
4. My mind is going blank right here....time for some videos.
This is a cool commercial, but the second video is even cooler because they show you how they filmed it. I love stuff like this.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dang Holiday
You'll notice things are looking different around here. I'll keep updating it.
YG=Youth Group
Speaking of which, we're back to regular time etc. next Monday. Hope you're there, if not then you're lame. No just kidding, no i'm not Yes I am....sort of.
Frisbee was fun last night.
And this week you get hockey videos
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Music Time
1. No Youth Group Next Monday.
2. Look for a calendar with Summer Activies soon.
3. What are you doing next Tuesday? Maybe lunch? or something?
And here are things to kill time for the weekend.
And for you Pirate fans.....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
So it's Wednesday
1. Sunday School....this Sunday we're going to join the adult classes downstairs to take part in/listen to the Sunday School session of the School of Prayer that's going on this weekend. Just an FYI
2. Next week....a bunch of you are off on a French trip right? So those of you who aren't.....we should do something fun. Check back here and I'll think of something....
3. Look for a calendar to appear here on the blog soon. It'll have our Summer information as well as other upcoming things.
Now for Hammy and Nowell who are fast clappers.
It's cool being Amish
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
It's Tuesday
-Please be thinking of ideas of ways to welcome new students into our fellowship
-New Summer Plan is coming. I'm stoked for summer to be here!
-I hurt my back
-I also updated the links and time wasting section a little. Have fun.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Behind the 8 ball.
1. Not this Sunday but next Sunday is youth Sunday here at PCC. That's 4/27. I know some of you can't make it. Pastor Mike and I looked at moving it, but we were doing the 27th originally because he wasn't going to be here. So we're on! For those of you who will be here, please be thinking of what we can do. Can you guess what we're doing this Monday night?
2. May 16-18 there is a special opportunity that you can be involved in here at the church. It's a School of Prayer. This is times of teaching about what the Bible has to say about prayer and how we can apply that to our lives and spiritual walk. I know that prayer is often hard for some of us to really grab hold of as an idea....this might be something that would help you out. (I know it looks like it's the entire weekend, but it's not a sleepover!)
3. Remember Sunday School peoples....we're headed to breakfast this week. So be ready!
4. Shoot I forgot what 4 was.......
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Apologies
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
It Two for Tuesday
NEXT MONDAY....regular time at 5:30 for food and we're going to finish our lesson on relationships/community (see below). Then at 6:30 we're headed over to St. Joesph's. Lindsey is being confirmed that night and we're going! So no t-shirts and jeans please.
APRIL 27th is Youth Sunday here at PCC....we casually started talking last night about that...please be thinking of ideas for that week.
Last night we started a lesson on community and relationships. Your assignment this week (baring watching the movie Castaway) is to observe how you communicate with your friends and family etc. How do you interact.
For Hammy....
Friday, March 21, 2008
Couple things.....
Can you guys do me a favor? Call, e-mail, text, whatever each other and remind everyone where this blog is. I've talked to a couple of you this week about the game I posted, and a couple people have said they didn't remember we had a blog. It's pretty important that we keep checking in here. So stop reading right now and go call someone......then come back...
Welcome back!
Youth group Monday. Regular time 5:30.
We were rushed for time last night so I didn't really get to talk to any of you about this. I posted about possibly going to Pittsburgh for Famine, the first weekend in April. That's in two weekends. Is anyone even interested in this? We don't have to go. However if anyone is interested we I need to get you info on Monday night. PLEASE!!!!! if you're reading this, post a comment in the comment box one way or the other YES OR SORRY CHARLIE
Special youth group April 7th. In February we took a special trip to experience a Spanish worship service in Jamestown. On April 7th we have a different opportunity. Our very own Lindsey Berg is being confirmed at St. Joe's that night at 7pm I believe. So here's the plan. We'll meet at PCC at 5:30 like usual. We'll eat and do a lesson/game/learning activity/something.....then for those who are interested around 6:30, we'll head over to St. Joe's to be part of this very special Mass and support our friend Lindsey. If you're not interested in this, that's fine too, just tell your ride that you need picked up PROMPTLY at 6:30 from PCC. If I'm you're ride home, you're going to Mass.
Here's a random question. Would any of you be remotely interested in playing paintball? There are two opportunities that I know of coming up where we could join up with some other youth groups and play paintball, for relatively cheap. No experience necessary. No equipment necessary. You all know I love it, but I just thought I'd throw it out there for you to ponder.....we'll talk more about it soon.
Sunday School girls....remember that Mari and I won't be there Sunday. The materials for your collage's (or however you spell that) is in my office next to the cabinet.
Can I just tell you guys how much I love you you guys and gals! I really like being around you guys. You're lots of fun. I thought I should tell you that.
Ok I think I'm done now. If you'd like to waste more time go the next post down and play that silly game once or a thousand times. Feel free to post a score even if it's not a high score. It's just fun.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Next Monday. 5:30. Please be on time. We're going to eat and get to work. We'll set up and run through the whole Thursday night deal. If you're one of the people who said they'd sing, we'll run through songs at the end....and might go a little overtime. I've already handed out CD's to most of you and should hit the rest of you soon.
Next Thursday. I might change this between now and then.....but the service is at 6pm. Let's plan on being at the church no later than 5:30. Since we're running through things Monday, we'll just do a quick verbal walk through at that time.
Long Term. If you're interested in doing the Famine....we had talked about two possible dates. It's looking like the service project would work better for the first weekend in April. Please check your calendars and let me know if you are able or unable or uninterested in going. More details to come.
Who can beat me? Post your high score as a comment.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Nowell's Duty!
Here's some stuff to think about and consider.
1. CHANGE OF PLANS! This past week we had talked about painting the last wall in the youth room this coming Monday. We are going to hold off on that for two reasons. First, we are having dinner prepared for us this week, so we're not choking down pizza. Secondly, I think it might be wise to spend some time walking through our Maundy Thursday service a bit. Pastor Mike helped me think through some details that we overlooked.
2. Speaking of which....Maundy Thursday. March 20th. We talked about some general ideas. We'll probably talk through some of that next week as well. Your assignment between now and then is to start thinking about some music that can go on while Communion is happening. It doesn't have to be slow and sad.....but maybe not screaming guitars and thumping drums either. Think it through.
3.We do need to get that last wall done. Talking about the room this past week got me excited about what we can do out there. Keep thinking.
Monday, March 3, 2008
YES we're having youth group tonight. No school? Who cares. Come on out.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Back in Action
We're back at it tomorrow night already at 5:30! Can't wait to see your shining, smiling faces!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
POOL PARTY!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
...and another thing...
I keep forgetting to say this. If you're coming to the retreat. Please bring a snack with you to share. Give it to the people at the registration table when you get there. THANKS!
Thoughts and not- thoughts
I remembered what I was going to ask. What would happen if youth group was at 5 instead of 5:30? Just curious. What would that impact for you? Tell me.
Revolution Retreat is right around the corner. Please get your forms into me ASAP!
We finished our Armor of God series last night. So that means we're on to something new next week! I'm stoked.
Clean up...Aisle 1-12
You've probably seen this, but it's classic
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008

We WILL be having youth group Monday night. Just because you have the day off doesn't mean I do. HA.
Last week we started a series about the Armor of God. If you missed last week, you really want to be there this week as we really get into the fun stuff. Last week we just introduced the series and talked about the idea that there is a real battle going on that we can't see. Seriously, this is going to be a fun couple of weeks of lessons! If you missed last week or if you just want to review the scripture we're's Ephesians 6: 10-20. It's not long.
February 3rd we're going to take a trip to a Spanish worship service. Mexico? No. Guatemala? No. Spain perhaps? No. How about Jamestown? YES! There's a Spanish speaking church that meets on Sunday afternoon at 3pm. We'll be leaving Warren around 2:15 or so. We're working on maybe grabbing some food after church. We'll give you an idea of money to bring soon.
February 15-17 is the Revolution Retreat at Mission Meadows! I officially have registration forms in my possession and you can get those from me Monday (or any other time if you give me a call). Cost is 50 dollars. If the money is a problem please talk to me and we can work that out. We've spent the past couple weeks doing planning for this weekend and I'm starting to get excited!!!!! It's really not optional for you to come or're going!
Well I feel I should leave you with something funny.....let's see what's in my bag of my last post I showed you a video of Human Tetris. Here's a different sort of Human Tetris altogether.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
We're starting youth group back up at 5:30 on Monday. Hope you can make it. Can't wait to see you guys!
I don't understand the stripped uniforms but this is funny. Binocular Soccer.
You have to love Japanese TV